Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Yahoo?s Options

dart boardWith Yahoo! firing Carol Bartz?by phone no less, we are left to wonder what the next chapter will be for the one-time Internet pioneer. So, what can Yahoo! do?? Let?s look at the options: OPTION 1: BUY HULU The company has been rumored to be in the running to acquire Hulu but with Hulu CEO Jason Kilar hailing from Amazon, and Google willing to pay more for the in-demand video company, chances are looking slim that Yahoo! will walk away with Hulu.? Knowing that Carol Bartz has rubbed some people the wrong way, it is possible, however, that Kilar didn?t feel comfortable negotiating or reporting to Bartz, this move could pave the way for Kilar to become CEO of Yahoo!, or, perhaps, see Ross Levinsohn being elevated to CEO and Kilar running media reporting to Levinsohn.? Anything can happen in that reporting structure, I think, with Kilar being more of a product and operations executive and Levinson more of a deal maker who is very bullish on video.


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