Tuesday, August 16, 2011

UNM Career Services Blog ? Blog Archive ? Employment Opportunity ...

Student Career Experience Program (SCEP)?

Program Description:

The NASA, Dryden Flight Research Center Student Career Experience Program (also known as the Cooperative Education Program, Co-Op) is designed to provide work experience to undergraduate and graduate college students who are pursuing degrees in fields related to flight research.? The majority of Co-Op positions are aeronautical/aerospace, electrical, mechanical engineering and computer systems.? The program also includes majors in business, accounting, finance, human resources, public affairs, marketing, and liberal arts.

?Co-Ops are included in various research programs that are structured to apply the basic principles and theories of their major field of study and to provide an opportunity to determine the type of work for which they are best suited.? Students enter a program of alternating school and work assignments that involve increasing degrees of difficulty.? Engineering students work under the supervision of engineers on projects such as systems design, flight test experiments, computer studies, and simulation.? Business students usually work under the supervision of managers on projects related to their particular field of study.? Their work is evaluated by their supervisors after each rotation.? By their last rotation, students are working with a minimum of supervision on complex projects that may result in joint authorship of a research paper.?

This program is not intended as a summer internship or a summer hire program.


Program Objective:

Through the SCEP program, Dryden strives to acquaint students with its mission and programs in aeronautical research and to expand their academic training through work experience with NASA personnel in research management.


Eligibility Requirements:

Applicants for this program must:

  • Be a U.S. citizen
  • Be at least 16 years old
  • Be enrolled full- or part-time in an accredited educational institution in the U.S. (must have completed freshman yr)
  • Have andmaintain a cumulative 2.9 GPA on a scale of 4.0
  • Must be available for an alternating work/school schedule (this may require you to extend your graduation date by at least a year)
  • Have demonstrated very strong aptitude in the major field of study and a wide variety of extracurricular interests and leadership activities


Students are strongly encouraged to apply through their college/university Career Placement Office or Cooperative Education Office.? Application package must include a resume and a copy of your most current official transcript (eTranscripts are acceptable however; unofficial transcripts or web printouts are not acceptable).? Resume must indicate your degree field, overall GPA, projected graduation date (without Co-Op involvement), citizenship, educational background, and indicate the semester/quarter available to start (i.e., Spring: Jan ? May; Fall: Sep ? Dec).? You resume must also indicate your employment history (number of hours worked per week, as well as month/year start and end dates).? Resumes are not limited to one page.? Resumes not containing all required information may lose consideration.

Fall Selections: Cut-off date for applications for Fall term is April 1st(i.e., April 2011 for Fall 2011)

Spring Selections: Cut-off date for applications for Spring term is September 1st(i.e., September 2011 for Spring 2012)
Applications are submitted for a specific term (Fall or Spring).? Those submitted and not selected will be destroyed.

How does the Co-Op program work?? Co-Op students start in either the fall or spring. The program requires the student to work a minimum of three ?tours? at Dryden before graduation, two of which cannot be during the summer.? If necessary, students should be available to return to work for additional terms before graduation.? No SCEP students are hired to begin in the summer, as the summer months are reserved for returning SCEP students (from the spring or previous fall).? Graduate students are encouraged to apply for the fall or spring semesters; however, they might be selected for two summer terms.? The determination is made by the Human Resource Office.? SCEP students may be eligible for conversion to a term or permanent appointment at graduation, based upon completion of program requirements as well as course requirements for a Bachelor?s degree (or higher).? Near the end of the degree program, the student will be notified whether a permanent position with NASA will be offered.


Below are some of the organizations and tasks Co-Ops are typically assigned to:


Acquisition Management Office (A):? Provides contracting support for Dryden, creating high value-added contractual products and services.

Financial Management Office (CF): Provides professional accounting experience in the general ledger and financial statement preparation, accounts payable, accounts receivable and property accounting.

Resource Management Office (CR): Responsible for preparing funding documents, reconciling funds status and coordinating presentations and phasing plans.

Equal Opportunity Office (E): Promoting equal opportunities for all employees of Dryden Flight Research Center regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, mental/physical disability, or age.

Office of Facilities Engineering and Asset Management (F): Provides construction, operation, maintenance, and logistics support for the Centers buildings, infrastructure and assets.

Human Resources, Management & Development Office (H): Provides management and employee development services to Dryden?s Federal work force.

Aerodynamics and Propulsion Branch (RA): Leads the design, implementation, analysis and reporting of all aerodynamic flight research experiments conducted at Dryden. Conducts flight research in many aspects of air breathing and rocket propulsion, from conventional turbojets to scramjet engines.

Controls and Dynamics Branch (RC): Provides research engineering expertise in the analysis, design, development, integration and testing of flight control systems for flight vehicles.

Flight Systems Branch (RF): Responsible for the design, integration and test of flight-critical hardware and software systems.
Instrumentation Branch (RI):
Responsible for the design, development, fabrication, installation and calibration of instrumentation systems for flight research vehicles at Dryden.

Aerostructures Branch (RS): Conducts analytical and experimental investigations in structural and aerodynamic loads, aero elasticity, and aerodynamic heating.

Systems Engineering Branch (ME): Develops simulation to show how research aircraft will react to various flight conditions. Also develops display systems for monitoring aircraft in flight.

Operations Engineering Branch (OE): Responsible for all modification to Dryden?s flight research vehicles, and responsible for the safety of flight and in-flight mission control.

Public Affairs & Commercialization Office (T): Represents the Center to the general public, news, media, education community, technical community, aerospace industry, museums, libraries, government agencies, businesses and legislators.

For information on other student opportunities, visit http://www.nasajobs.nasa.gov/ or http://education.nasa.gov/ .

Source: http://www.career.unm.edu/wordpress/?p=202

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